I’m Going to P*ss You Off. And You’re Going to Thank Me. I’m going to tell you some things today that you may or may not like. But this is the cold, hard truth you need to know if you want to step up to higher levels of impact. We’re talking about success here. We’re […]

Learn to Speak Their Language A common question among Online Fitness Coaches is, “Why aren’t people responding to my social media posts?” You might be posting some really great content. Workouts, recipes, TikTok skits. But no one is hitting up your DMs. No one is sending emails. No one is asking you for more information, […]

Follow The Law of Reciprocity and Watch Your Business Grow A common question among Online Fitness Coaches is, “Why aren’t people responding to my social media posts?” You might be posting some really great content. Workouts, recipes, TikTok skits. But no one is hitting up your DMs. No one is sending emails. No one is […]

Love the Process, or Lose Your Business! Building a successful Online Coaching Business is like building a car engine. There are a lot of different skills needed to promote your business and serve your clients, just as there are a lot of complex moving parts needed to get that engine running. Now, that doesn’t mean […]

How Badly Do You Want Success? Do you know the Universe is constantly testing you? When you get a negative review from a client, that is the Universe testing you. When you get some smartass comment from a troll on one of your posts, that is the Universe testing you. When your TikTok videos don’t […]

Top Six Tips for Viral TikTok Skits I’ll give you a minute to untwist your tongue after reading that subject line…. Ready? All right. Cool. Let’s get right into it. TikTok is one of the most powerful social media tools out there. It’s quick. It’s easy. It’s free. And it’s on just about everyone’s phone. […]

Turning a Cold Lead into a Hot Prospect If you’ve followed my Podcast, you might have already heard about the 5 Levels of Leads. The second Level of Leads is the “Cold Lead.” This is someone who you’ve recently friended or connected with on social media. They aren’t exactly a complete stranger, but you probably […]

Cut Through the Bullsh*t and Transform Lives I’ve talked to you before about how important Lead Generation is in building your Online Coaching Business. And while it is an important part of your success, it’s not the most important part. Serving your existing clients should be your number one priority. This is important not only […]