Change Lives Make Money:
The Podcast For Online Trainers

EPISODE 611 - SELL YOURSELF before you sell anyone else

Are you having trouble selling your programs at the price you think they’re worth?


Maybe they aren’t worth that much… ❌




Maybe your mind is blocking you from your potential?


If you have this issue, you probably did not come from money because I know I didn’t. 


I had the same problem when I went to increase my prices. I had trouble doing it, but it wasn’t because it wasn’t worth it. I just was keeping myself in the trap of I wasn’t worth it.


You have to sell yourself before anyone else. 🔥🔥


How do you do that?


Affirm yourself that people happily pay X amount of money you want for your program every day, and write it on the sticky note and put one in every room of the house.


You have to believe in yourself to break through the old way of thinking to get to that next level in your life and business.  💯

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